Dan 'Beef' Mazzola is a Regional 8th Degree Black Belt Master and a 7th Generation Usui Reiki Master/Teacher/Master of Masters, CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) Practitioner with Healthways WholeHealth Living Network, Energy Healing Pratitioner, Reiki Bodywork Therapist and a member of the Master Board in the art of Shaolin Kempo Karate.
Beef started his martial arts training in 1984 with the Villari’s Martial Arts System studying under 10th degree Judan Master Mark Grupposo. He was presented his 1st degree black belt in 1991 from Great Grand Master Fred Villari. He went on to receive his 2nd degree Black Belt in 1993, 3rd degree Black Belt in 1996, 4th degree Black Belt in 2001, 5th degree Black Belt Master rank in 2007 and 6th degree Black Belt from Great Grand Master Fred Villari in 2013 and his 7th degree Black Belt at the 50th Villari Anniversary event in 2018. 8th Degree Black Belt was awarded at the Great Grand Master Villari/Judon John Fritz Memorial Celebration at Sturbridge, MA.
Beef has taught hundreds of adults in Natick since 1991. Beef's specialties include stress release classes and Reiki certification classes.
Beef is the former Vice President of Infrastructure and Operations for a large hospital group in the Boston area and conducted lunchtime meditation sessions for the staff.
Beef was also accredited from the State of Massachusetts offering continuing education credits for the nursing staff of St.Elizabeth's Medical Center with meditation and stress release classes he developed.
Beef was featured in 'QiGong' a cable production showing how different practitioners, such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, feng shui practitioners and martial artists use the Qi, and a guest on the cable show Close to Home.
He was featured in a cable news piece with Reiki and another news piece on Nurses Stress.
He conducted a Nursing Students Seminar concerning stress at Rhode Island College and also spoke before the MAPAM Patient Accounts Managers Quarterly meeting on stress.
A guest lecturer at Sacred Heart University and taught a QiGong class and did Reiki healing sessions.
Master Beef studied with Libby Barnett.
Libby Barnett trained with John Harvey Gray and continued her studies with Judy-Carol Stewart.
Judy-Carol Stewart was trained by Barbara McCullough
The late Barbara McCullough and the late John Harvey Gray are two of the original 22 Reiki Masters trained by Hawayo Takata.
Beef successfully completed the Master/Teacher/Master of Reiki Masters Degree of the Usui System of Reiki Healing from Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT.
Usui Shiki Ryoho is a spiritual energy practice complementary to the Chi energy development fostered in the Villari’s system.
He successfully completed the credentialing process to participate in the HealthWays WholeHealth Living Network of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioners as a Energy Healing Practitioner, Reiki
508-653-2137 • 148 East Central Street, Natick, MA, United States
Contact me at masterinthemorning@gmail.com
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