7:00pm to 8:00pm
Take a soothing break from your busy life. Learn WuChi postures, QiQong moving meditations, breathing management and smell fragrant oils and meditation.
Qigong is a traditional Chinese practice that dates back over four thousand years. Qigong uses gentle exercises that develop Qi or life force by aligning mind, body and breath.
Wuchi is called 'the empty state of rest'. Aligning the breath with static poses.
$20 drop in
Group of 6 Classes $100
$30 drop in for couples
Group of 6 classes for $150
Classes will be scheduled
7:00pm to 8:00pm
Reiki is a Japanese alternative healing method which uses "chi", the natural life force that is found in all living things to assist in the restoration of mind/body balance. It is often referred to as "hands on healing". Reiki is a non invasive therapy done fully clothed. It may help build immune function, help with wound healing and decrease the effects of chemotherapy, radiation and dialysis. It has also helped eased stress and anxiety and to promote better sleep. It compliments but does not take the place of traditional medicine.
$20 drop in
Group of 6 Classes $100
Friday Mornings
9:00am to 10:00am
This class is on martial arts
rank material focusing on the individual's needs.
$20 drop in
Group of 6 Classes $100
*All students become part of our user group
(No previous experience needed for this class, open to everyone)
The session starts with Qigong exercises, a discussion on what is Reiki, the lineage, common Reiki questions, 4 part Usui Attunement, self Reiki, Reiki on others. Attendees receive a Reiki I Certificate and workbook, water, snacks and breaks.
Reiki 1 Certification - $160
*Cost increases if travel and accommodations are required.
*Offsite private events may be arranged please email me to make arrangements and obtain pricing details.
* You must have completed Reiki 1 training.
The session starts with Qigong exercises, a discussion of your Reiki experiences, the three sacred key Reiki symbols, their names and their use, Reiki II Attunement that will greatly enhance your Reiki I experience. Hands on practice utilizing the symbols with yourself and others. Attendees receive a Reiki II Certificate and workbook, water, snacks and breaks.
Reiki 2 Certification - $240
*Cost increases if travel and accommodations are required
*Offsite private events may be arranged please email me to make arrangements and obtain pricing details .
* You must have Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 training and have practiced Reiki.
The session starts with Qigong review exercises, a discussion of your Reiki experiences, a review of the three sacred key Reiki symbols, their names and their uses.
Learn the Reiki Master symbol and uses.
Learn the Reiki 1 attunement process and how to administer it. Hands on practice utilizing the symbols with yourself and others. Attendees receive a Reiki Master Certificate and workbook, water, snacks and breaks.
Reiki Master Certification
*Cost increases if travel and accommodations are required
*Offsite private events may be arranged please email me to make arrangements and obtain pricing details .
* Contact me to discuss this session.
* Contact me to discuss this session.